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Khashayar Irani




Academically, I am a Mathematical Logician, an Analytic Philosopher and a Pure Mathematician. Interns of academic qualifications, I have done a BA Philosophy (University of Roehampton), MA Philosophy (University of London), Bsc Pure Mathematics (University of London) and PhD Logic (University of London). In logic, my area of expertise is in Proof Theory i.e. Structural Proof Theory, Proof Analysis of Axiomatic and Substructural Proof Systems particularly Proof Analysis of Classical and Intuitionistic Logic, Proof Search, Ordinal Analysis and Consistency Proofs. In philosophy, my main focus is on Logic and Foundation of Mathematics i.e. First Order Logic, Classical Proof Theoretic Consequence and Classical Harmony via Gentzen's LK System, Classical Proof Theoretic Semantics, Hilbert Program and Primitive Recursive Arithmetic. I am also interested in Hegel's Philosophy of History and Nietzsche's Moral Philosophy. In addition to logic and philosophy, Number Theory is my main concern in pure mathematics due to its logical and philosophical consequences. Beside logic and philosophy, I am interested in history and religious studies particularly those of Ancient Iran and Zoroastrianism. I have done detailed research about the Sacred Avesta and the Pahlavi Tradition. Therefore, I would be happy to answer any question or enter a debate about these sacred texts and their religious implications. I am the director of which is an academic community for logicians to gather and publish their works. Moreover at, logicians have the opportunity to create a logic blog and publish their works and ideas at their own blog.