🔰Imagination Eliminates Limitation.🔰 🟢 ReSourceFullness > Resources 🟩 Father • Husband •Freestyle Rap Fanatic Digital Real Estate Investor Domain Junkie (Partial Portfolio List At the bottom👇🏽) 🟢 Consultant for Creatives 🟢 I help Solopreneurs & Parentpreneurs Solve their Podcast Problems: ~Understand WHY they need a podcast ~Learn to Podcast so it’s FUN & lucrative ~Find podcast Guests that DONT suck [DM me for 38 min free-ish Consult 🙃] 🌍SharePerspectiveReceiveGratitude🌏 #ContextMatters 🏡 follow TinyRooms.Club IF you enjoy jumping into manageable spaces to unpack [seemingly] unmanageable topics. “Crucial Conservations at Scale.” Always be Curious🔰Ask More Questions Looking for People who: Create • Elevate • Facilitate 🟩 Favorite Question to ask 🟩 ~What is the most recent thing you learned (about yourself)? Words to Live By: Everything in Moderation [especially moderation] Fascinating Quote I Heard recently: “We exist inside of the story our brain tells itself.” Things I am most excited to learn about: 💡 Philosophy / 👽 \ Spirituality 🧠 Psychology / Ai \ Mental Health 🍄 Herbalism/ Spagyrics \Psychedelia 📈 Investing / Blockchain \ Crypto Favorite Movie: RUSHMORE Favorite Album: AQUEMINI • OutKast (or ATLiens.... depends how long the drive is) Favorite Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald 🏡 📲 Domains 4 Sale/Lease/Collab: MultiLevelPartnering .com ClubhouseOverdose .com CreateYourOwn .CLUB YouAreClubhouse .com CrucialConversations .CLUB SolarMiners .CLUB Clubhouse4Dummies .com ClubhouseOD .com ClubDummies .com DiscountKushClub .com FarmersInCityLimits .com RobinhoodYOLO .com JREcomments .CLUB StackSatoshis .CLUB FreshFiat .com SnapChatBattleRap .com FiatFreedom .com WeNeedMorpheus .com CRISPRzombies .com YouTubeRap .CLUB {DMs open 👇🏽 holla atcha boi!} [can you name this movie??:] “Minister of Information [but can fight]” 📖 🥷 IG~ @NastyOffTheTop