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My journey has unfolded since I discovered the Gene Keys and Dream Arc with so much synchronicity and magic. I started seeking my truth on my unique path over 25 years ago when I asked the question to a preacher, “What happens to the Buddhists and Hindus when they die?” His response was, “They will burn in hell because of their selfish pride.” This became the catalyst for launching me on a path of seeking my highest truth. My driving curiosity and inquisitive nature set a course of Self-Discovery through the Law of Attraction and mentors like Wayne Dyer, Abraham-Hicks, Matt Kahn, Eckhart Tolle, Neall Donald Walsch, and many others. Right before I discovered Richard Rudd and the Gene Keys, I studied the human energy body and chakras on the way to 200 hr certification as a Kundalini Yoga Teacher. I also picked up and read the Ringing Cedars Series of books and read all 10 a few times though. Anastasia, the main character, prophesies a future where we will come together in communities. This theme has deeply guided my journey with the Gene Keys and I felt the call to show up whenever I can on as many Gene Keys-based calls as I can. I even created my own to host over the last 2 years. In totality, my 6 1/2 years dive into the Gene Keys has been filled with all Gene Keys Golden Path online retreats since 2020, co-hosting calls in 2 Dream Arc Initiation Retreats, 15 Deltas, Completion of Guides, and Delta Guides courses, and a Beta test of Star of Consciousness in 2023. I currently host a “Just Bee” Zoom Call on Sundays at Noon EDT/1600 UTC. I bring in the Dream Arc Oracle after attuning the space to “The Holy Incantation of Solace” Then I briefly mention the Gene Key Pulse/transit and open the floor to sharing or create Breakout rooms so everyone can share and come back together to share Quintessence. It has the beautiful feel of a Gene Keys Retreat-based Community Call which so many Gene Keys Voyagers LOVE! Same link every week. BEE BL♾️$$ED BEE BL♾️$$ED BEE BL♾️$$ED 🌟 GEO 🦄Guide and Mystic🦄 ✨️🌉Bridging the Gap🌉✨️ 💚🌟Within🌟💚