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Fred Fistzgiles




CEO of ItsTime2Lead LLC A Training and consulting company specializing in Personal Growth ,Communication,Leadership & Media Podcast Host🎤 (ItsTime2Lead Podcast) -Digital Marketing /Automation Specialist Maxwell Certified Speaker,Coach & Trainer FOLLOW ME 🕊AND HIT THAT BELL 🛎 I help Businesses Leaders & Entrepreneurs overcome their limitations,fears and doubts so they can gain the confidence they need to get the best results! I Believe that before we can Lead others we must learn to Lead ourselves FIRST. I Love to add value to like minded people to help connect with the other 90% of your 🎁 potential to Go way beyond Success To Significance in Every Area of your Life. “Your Success is my Passion” Let’s Connect 🤝 Check out The ItsTime2Lead Podcast “Where Leaders Come Together To Grow and Get Better” on Apple Music,Google Play & Spotify
