Leelu Dallas
♡🧠 --DO not try to speak to me if you aren't ready for my questions. ---Where I live is private --Humans --Technology --Life Inside my head ________^_____ Let's Just Think. Thank you God. God gave humans a brain to think. Freewill. Humans are given a choice. A ROBOT has to obey. I AM NOT A ROBOT. I AM HUMAN. Therefore I get to choose. Those who give up liberties for security and freedom deserve neither security nor freedom. Look Out Side my head _____^__________// Take sometime to step out of the equation. Look around you. See the commonalities. The coincidences. The un-asked questions. The missing information. FREEWILL. FREEDOM IS Freewill. Freewill is the right to choose. Freewill is Your God Given right. Anyone oppressing freewill hates the existance of humans and wishes to own you. The devil hates man. Those anti-democratic organizations that kick door your homes, kill you with toxins, or seek to restrict your voice or control your expressions of thoughts & opinions are anti-human, anti-God, the Anti-Christ. God Loves You and you are not a robot. The devil hates you and wishes to modify you to serve his needs. He wants to control your life. He wants your assets, mind, and soul. He wants your offspring. Don't sell yourself short. Don't succumb to fear. Do not be bought by evil. I am complete ---___^___--