Will Forrester




“Be kind, open your heart and share”🎯 🔥Yoga Guide 🥰 🤓Product Director & Merch Exec 💚 😍Content Design Studio founded on authenticity and branded storytelling dedicated to the best in digital merchandising 🤩 📍NYC | LONDON BASED Leader; pragmatic and creative Brand Exec with 30 years in luxury and lifestyle fashion | consumer products. 🍿 Living my best self! NYC & London. Actively blending clarity with experience and passion! 🤩 💚 Yoga practitioner since 2001 and teacher since 2011 🧘‍♂️ Fun Fact: I love standing on my head and climbing volcanoes! 🌋 worked and contributed to: Ralph Lauren, Burberry, Gieves & Hawkes, UVU, Temperly London, Hunter Boots, Harry’s of London, Juicy Couture, and Wrangler Modern *Branding, Merchandising and Planning *Product and Design Director *CAD - textiles, product and architecture *PLM and Database - Product to Retail *Digital Photography Studios & 3D *Full Price and Off Price including MFO *Customization, Bespoke, Made to Measure - including Bridal 👉INFJ-T My creative approach is slightly more pragmatic than innovative - always looking to learn and strive to choose kindness over being right. Highly adaptable and actually love to work and spread the love!!! Been doing it before there were blackberries 🍿