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SUNSHINE (Kimberly Parry)




🦋THE BUTTERFLY WHISPERER®️🦋 💫 Bridging Worlds, Connecting Souls, Healing Hearts 💫 SPIRIT PIPER™️ 🇨🇦Creator of CUSTOM SPIRIT SONG™️🎵 Looking for a One-of-a-kind Gift to Connect & Soothe the Soul? My DMs are open for custom high-vibe sacred songs recorded on Native American Flute. 🎶 🦋 THE BUTTERFLY WHISPERER®️ CLUB is now Open. Come TRANSFORM & SOAR with us. 💕 My greatest JOY is creating “in the moment” pieces of music on my custom butterfly Native American Flute to convey the feelings of Love, Hope, Possibility, Dreams, Healing, Connection, Peace, and Unity ... for those here on planet Earth, and also for those souls who have crossed over. Known as the CH PIED PIPER, Available to: 🌀 Open Space - custom vibe music 🌀 Hold Space 🌀 Speaker/Contributor 🌀 Moderator/Co-moderator 🌀 Space Closing 🌀 PTR = PLAY To Refresh 🎶 What Vibe do you want resonating through the walls of your CH room? Bring me into your room to set the vibe, or for a spontaneous, heartfelt, powerful, custom song for you and your audience... ENERGY is ALL 🟡 Certified HeartMath®️Coach & Trainer 🟡 Reiki Master 🟡 Body Talk System (level I) 🟡 Energy Codes Certified Facilitator & Level II 🟡 OEFT 🦋 I look forward to SOARING together. 🦋 [email protected] LinkedIn: TheButterflyWhisperer f: TheButterflyWhisperer Now go out and Share Your Wings With The World... 🌎