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Floyd Marshall




🎬🎤🎧 Podcast Creator: A Conversation With Floyd Marshall Jr, ranked Number 3 internationally in Best Independent Film Podcasts to listen to in 2023. Thursdays on YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn Live where I interview content creators, actors, casting directors, media personalities,founders and entrepreneurs of color. On Apple, Amazon, IHeart Radio, Anchor, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Breaker, Pocket Podcasts, Radio Public. Please SUBSCRIBE! Follow me on Fanbase @floydmarshalljr Follow me on Threads. Mindset Coach. To schedule a coaching consultation please email me at [email protected] or send a DM to my IG located in my profile. Visit to grab your merchandise! Creator of Building Tables, a round table discussion on Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn Live every last Thursday of the month with industry professionals about building our own tables in Black Cinema. Find it on Amazon, IHeart Radio, Apple Podcast, Spotify, Breaker, Google, Radio Public, Anchor Podcasts. Founder of The Film Collective Film Festival. Submissions are open on Film Freeway. We accept short films, short docs, web series, film trailers, music videos, disability short films, lgbtq short films. 🎬📽🎥 Co Founder of the Real Philm Network. Board Member Philly Film Factory. Founding member, Director of membership Men of Color Unite. Mentor for Women of Color Unite StartWith8 Program. 🎥🎬🎤 …………………………………. Founder of The IFAP Short Film Festival. Founder of The Independent Film Association of Philadelphia, a non profit geared toward educating new filmmakers on the business of film. 🎬📽🎤📽 …………………………. ✳️ Clubhouse Club Creator : Filmpreneur, where we discuss networking, entrepreneurship as filmmakers and mindset. 🎧 ✳️ Moderator for the Indie AF every Friday. Where we discuss topics related to independent film and distribution. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SGC Heritage Award Winner. 🏆 Two Time Top 💯Film Festival on Film Freeway. Mindset Coach Life Success Coach Husband. Dad. Personal Development Junkie. Fashion Fanatic. Shoe Fanatic. Trekkie. Book Lover. Lord of The Rings Super fan.