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Karin Tischler




🎙Podcast host of „Job Sharing and Beyond“ 👩‍🎓 M.Phil. Economics, Oxford University 🔗 @CH🏠 „Job Sharing And Beyond“ I interview 🌎 guests about future of work topics: 💡flexible work: job sharing, 4 day week 💡fathers & care 💡support for professionals returning back to paid work (aka SAHPs) 💡transferable soft skills from unpaid carework Founder of Emily‘s Path Consulting: 🎙Podcast host & producer 🎤Speaker about 🌎 flexible work & other FoW related topics 👩‍🏫 Frau Watson Research: LinkedIn 1:1 classes & workshops in 🇩🇪&🇬🇧. I joined LinkedIn in 2006. Started in earnest in 2017 with 57 now 11k+ connections! 🔥 I teach LinkedIn 101, LinkedIn Tips & Tricks, how podcasters can find/ be a great guest and how to use LinkedIn for research. 💡Reserve your *free* 15 mins consultation: Always interested in co-hosting @CH/ 🌎 collaborating with / speaking about flexible work/ sdg5/ returning professionals/ LinkedIn - DMs are open. LinkedIn: Karin Tischler - check out my 30 day video challenge talking about the A - Z of #flexwork2sdg5 (how flexible work will get us to gender equality faster) 🛼 Inline speedskating marathon race around St. Moritz,🇨🇭- a while ago Now, trying to get back to more 🚶‍♀️🏃‍♀️ as my family is (too) good at baking 🥖🍞🧇🍰 🏠Munich 🇩🇪-> London/ Colchester/ Oxford 🇬🇧-> Phoenix, AZ 🇺🇸-> Vancouver 🇨🇦 Languages: 🇩🇪 🇬🇧 @CH „Deutschsprachige Expats“ club 🇪🇸(intermediate)