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Faiza Zia




A simple house wife and a mom of two , Love to chat with people and make new friends . خدا بخت دے بروقت دے ہر وقت دے برحق دے Thousands of miles away from her mother She was thrown in the ocean of gluttony, selfishness, and cruelty In the unchartered waters where the best of seafarers fear to go But she was there Not knowing what she was up against But she successfully navigated I am sure she would have cried She would have gone overboard many times And here is what makes her formidable She re-embarked, and each time stronger than before And landed herself at this beautiful island Where it is you and lots of bounties What you have is prepaid, Kiddo! Be sure yourself and always tell this to your brother That, A strong woman to be reckoned with, is your mother By Umar Doddy .. 💙