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Rajeev Chawla




🎯Rajeev Chawla. Fiftyxcoach. 🎯Watch out for my new Book. THE RESPONSIBLE YOU. Launch date 5th September 2021. 🎯CEO of Amorphos chemicals Delhi, known as Building doctor 💊 in industry. 🎯 Did B.Tech in Instrumentation stream but working as a Civil engineer by experience. 🌊India's first Fiftyxcoach and fiftypluspreneur for Retired people to get Rewired. ❤️ Clubhouse - Fiftyxlife club 🎯Upcoming Book- How to WIN in your THIRD INNING? ✔️It is a movement/community for all fiftyplus aged, where you learn to play your third inning of life on front foot, and live your 'FiftyXlife' 🌅 Want to give all Fiftyplus people the reasons to be More - ✅Healthy & fit ✅Happy ✅Independent ✅Emotionally stable. ✅Financially free ✅Roaring to play your third inning of life on front foot. ✅Not think to retire ✅Do what you want to do. ✅Monetize your passion and give back to universe ❤️💗 An associate of Empowerment talks by Brainciti dubai. We run a live reinvent series every Saturday 8.30 IST. Also Running my First batch of 50X mastermind two months program for fiftyplus people. 🌿Message me to have half an hour free session for you and your parents for living your #fiftyxlife 🖊️[email protected] Whatsapp +919810515137