فاطمه منو؟
This person is alive, but working on staying alive, so tread kindly, or at least lightly - she/ her انت/ هي يسلبون منا الحياة من دون قطرة دم واحدة.. غاز سام عديم الرائحة يقتلنا من دون أن يترك خلفه أدنى أثر.. وفي آخر اليوم يخبرونك بأن ذلك القاتل قد كرمنا.. كرم المرأة زين يوسف عندما نعتنق الأباطيل فسوف نرتكب الفظائع Current thoughts: Qwof buka boqol baa u talisa How the fuck do humans human !!!! Until women have the right to choose worldwide, the options are as following: 1- vasectomy - this way, I don’t need to choose. We can collect your sperm and put them in a bank for you. 2- since women are forced to donate their body to give LIFE for a child, then men need to donate their body for the child to stay ALIVE. So if my child needs a limb, baba gotta give 👏🏽👏🏽 Religion: Penises Gobbling 🦃, as They Hold Women’s Coochies Hostages One can be anal, but unless allah almighty allows it, one might not get that ass. تبي تنشاف؟ جرب تشوف غيرك اولا Hide your kids, hide your wife And hide your husband cuz they be sexually harassing everybody up this app🤷🏽♀️ It is all men, until I have full bodily autonomy, every and single man is a possible sexual predator 🤷🏽♀️ #silencepseudobigdickenergy y’all talk too much. Im not ok, you’re not ok Somali citizen, Kuwaiti upbringing, feminist -hardcore-, BLM. LGBTQ+ ally.