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Father of Success




(Suh-Von) 🗣Public Speaker 💎 Success Coach 🫥Identity restoration Specialist/Credit Consultant 🏦 💳 Mogul Maker💛🖤 💪🏾🤑💰 Serial PARENTPreneur 👨🏾‍🍼 📲 Text the phrase “credit increase ” to +1 404-474-8002 to learn how to improve your credit today! 📲 Text the emoji“🔥” to +1 404-474-8002 if your interested in a Success strategy session to Fire your boss! 👑 Father to one Prince 🤴🏽 👑 King to one Queen 👸🏽 💪🏾 I fired my boss. I can teach you how to fire yours! 💳 Certified Credit Repair Professional • 🧍🏾Talent enhancer • 🎙 Podcaster• 🏠 Real Estate Investor. 🙇🏽‍♂️I enjoy double entendres #SuccessDontSleep is the brand! 👨‍👦Ever raised a toddler? 🌞 I named My SONshine SUCCESS — and he never sleeps! #BoyDad 💙 🎥Co-Host and Creator of @thebirthofsuccesspodcast - TUNE IN! ✨ Creator of the #DreamTeam the foundation on which I help others bring their dreams to life! ⚒️ Goal Digger 📌 My Intent on Clubhouse — Inspire, leave my mark on and speak life into the minds 🧠 and hearts ♥️ of all of Parentpreneurs. URL: