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The Nutritionist




The comments expressed by Dr. Farid Zarif are provided for informational purposes only. As with all health & wellness information, always consult your professional healthcare providers. Dr. Farid Zarif, PhD, MPH, CPT Bariatric Medicine Nutritionist Human Nutrition Author: Slaves of the Tongue, It is up to me to be, What to Eat, and When to Eat it, Rhytmic Ingestion, and The Rhythm Diet Host of The Mind of Nature Mission: To change the narative of human nutrition. Education University of California, Los Angeles Wayne State University Former instructor of Patient Standardization at Western University School of Medicine. Specializing in Integrative Medicine, Psychological and Bariatric Nutrition, with many years of study and clinical practice in Eating Disorders and Human Nutrition Science. Founder, Rhythmic Ingestion and Psyho-Nutrition, Author of the popular books: "It is up to me to be", "Heal Before You Build" and best-seller, "Slaves of the Tongue". Maintaining a highly demanding schedule, including, innovative and dynamic public speaking on new approaches to holistic health and complimentary medicine. Email: [email protected] Website: