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Fahmi Syed




M&A Specialist 🏡 Int. Real Estate 10❌ 🇺🇸CT REALTOR ♻️Sustainability&Development 🌐Ex-UN Air Service🛰Future/s & Impact Quanta Love Inc. Founder & CEO - Startup 10❌ Empires eXp Realty by @elenacardone 🏡 Real Estate Advisor/Investments/Agent/Mortgage/Airbnb & Short Term Rentals 🐺loyalty 🦉wisdom ❤️heart of an activist 🕊freedom of thought “Becoming immortal is a journey of timeless experiences and unconditional love.” - F.A.M.S. 👩‍👧Mother - Greenwich CT PTA & Girl Scout 🍁Ottawa Property Mangement 🇨🇦Toronto Furnished Short Term Rentals 🇵🇷PR Vacation Rental 🇧🇩Land, Residential, Commercial, Fishery, and Nursery Owner in 3 State Districts 🛒 Philanthropy Matters: 30+ mini store spaces for low income breadwinners @becomingstrongermovement ✳️ Mondays @ 9pm EST “🐺💪🏼❤️Relationships & Heartaches - UR🚫Alone NO REPLAYs due to sensitivity of topics ✳️ Saturdays @ 10am EST “🐺💪🏼❤️ Breakdown to Breakthrough - UR🚫Alone” WE Become Stronger & Heal Faster Together through Relationship Struggles, Toxicity Awarneess, Divorce & Separation, Love, Dating, Parenting, Legal, Financial, Custody & Scheduling - You are NOT ALONE. DM “becoming stronger” to be added to Ladies or Men’s 24/7 Lounge & Support. Neuroscience Quantum Verse Geopolitics & Policies Natural Biology Sustainability Plant Tech Bio Hacking Space, Future/s, AI Growth & Change 📚📖 🍽⛵️🏑🎭🎨🚁🛥🏕🌄🌊🏝 📚Spiritual Entrepreneurship 📚Construction Mangement, Energy, Urban/Sustainable Infrastructures & Development Past: 👩🏻‍💻 COO of VirtualTrainr Fitness App 🗞 Director of 👩🏽‍✈️Sergeant of Squadron 51, Royal Canadian Air Cadet (Awarded Nationwide No.1 Recruit of RCAC) 🇺🇳UN Air service, Senior PM, NYC 🍾Upscale Lounge Manager, Yorkville Toronto 🎭 Caroline’s Comedy Club, NYC 🩺 Marketing Ops, Rogers Wireless, Toronto ✈️ Porter, First Air, Zoom, Sky Service Airlines 💍High-end Jewelry, Henry Birks & Sons