Fahimeh P.
💬 Diversity is source of value creation. You can’t be what you can’t see. #inclusion #womenintech #impactinvesting #womeonborad 🇮🇷 born 🇫🇷 citizen I feel my self belonging to the 🌎 By listing them, I have realized all nationalities I’ve worked with: 24😀 And I’ve been traveling not to all countries but most of them 😊 🏭Industry advocate 🛠 Co-founder Collectif Stratups Industrielle France 💡Innovation and technology passionate (by tech I don’t mean only deep tech 😉) 🛴🚘mobility ⚡️♻️Green energies 🔗 Link maker - Startup/Industry 🙋♀️ Engineer and Women In STEM Advocate - Board Member of Women Engineer Association France 🗣Promoting Women entrepreneurs (#EllesComptent ambassador) initiated by Own Your Cash My force: my family 👨👩👦👦 and friendship 👯♀️ Guess what does link me to Apollo 11 and you will understand why I have my head in the ⭐️ but my feet on the 🌎 📚Lover And 🎬🎙🎭✈️🛰🎼🏊♀️🍎🍅🍫🥂🍷🍻 Missing 🌞🌞🌞 👀Curious about almost everything 🎤I’m here to exchange, to learn, to support 👥Happy to keep deeper exchanges on shared interests mostly on LinkedIn