Scott Petrie
The Energy Transition ➡️ Renewable Energy ➡️ Sustainable Living “The energy of the mind is the essence of life” “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work” 🍀Lucky to be living my best life to the full and listening to and helping fix peoples pain. 🛠A fixer who loves to find solutions to problems of any size. 💡A mentor to anyone that needs a good hard kick in the pants 🥳 Where to find me on Clubhouse 🏴In any Business Scotland Club Rooms Co-Host of The Energy Transition🏴-Let’s Chat every Tuesday at 12noon under Business Scotland Hanging around the water cooler at “ The Energy Industry Water cooler” Friday 9CET What’s Hot and What’s Not in Renewable Heating and Cooling Thursday 15:00 UK time with Nigel Cotton under the Renewable Heating / Cooling Club ⛽️Energy transition perpetrator 📣Drilling Automation 🏍Custom Bike Builder 🏎International Motorsport marshal ⛵️Old Wooden Boat restorer 🥖Sourdough baking Gen- Xer In the office 🏢 Energy Transition Support 🔋 Automated Drilling Systems - Adrilltech🔧 Drilling Rig Automation - Group Owner LinkedIn🔩 Digitalisation with Simulators 💡 Scottish Business Investor 🏴 Bitcoin Investors 💲 Smart working in the Energy sector looking for better ways to do the things we’ve done for decades and helping the industry to pivot towards a technology led effort to sustainably heat and power a growing population without destroying our natural environment. Believe in the power of people and am here to support and guide in everyday goals.