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Emma Pinnock




🚀Impassioned introvert on a mission to disrupt the Norm Special Needs Consultant for schools and families Director of the Essential Education Group. Autism Specialist. I work with Families and Schools to support their Unique Special Needs Journey. #uniquelytakeyourplace®️ 💛 Join my Unique Family Foundations group on Facebook 💛 🌟 Coaching the Neurodistinct - families and individuals 🌟 Consultant - to schools and organisations striving towards outstanding practice 🌟 Neurodistinct screenings. Sensory Audits. Sensory plans. 🌟Auditory Integration Trainer 👂🏼 Book a discovery call Website - Email - [email protected] With 20 years experience in SEND education, leadership and my own unique parenting journey setting up the Essential Education Group was a response to the growing realisation that mainstream services are not always enough and unique parenting requires responsive and accurate support. So in my family work - I help unique individuals and families to build strong foundations built upon clear strategies, relevant information and creative thinking. Through this approach I help families to confidently tackle the day to day neurodiversity journey. From both my professional and personal experiences, I have a measured and empathetic approach which believes that a strong foundation of knowledge, self care and effective support can move any family from uncertain to empowered.