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Espree Devora




🤗 Yes, was one of the Clubhouse icon faces 🎧 Founding Member of the Audio Collective ⚡️Harpers Bazaar top 10 podcasts 📰 Featured: Inc, Forbes and Entreprenuer 🎙Tech/ Startup Podcaster: 700+ episodes 🧠 Speaker at SXSW, Red Bull, USC, CBS 🚀 “the Girl who Gets it Done” ✨ When meeting people I care about heart and integrity, not job titles✨ 💌 [email protected] 🐦 @espreedevora (linked below) 📱IG @espreedevora (linked below) 👩🏻‍💻 Sharing how to get to 10,000 podcast listeners a month on my new YouTube 📺 Club Moderator for: ☺️ Delivering Happiness Club 🎙 Podcasters Class Club 📈 Brands that Podcast Club 💵 Productivity Club 🌊 Los Angeles Tech Community Club 👉 Podcaster since 2013, my podcast titles are “WeAreLATech”, “Women in Tech”, “HelloCustomer” and “BRAG”. All my shows focus on startup/tech lifestyle and culture. In addition to my world of podcasting, I’m a speaker, author, video producer and founder who produces events for the LA startup community, women in tech, YouTube and a monthly Los Angeles Podcasters Meetup. 53108 Recently partnered with TikTok to create educational content for marketing and growing your podcast. Built the first action sports social network, skate culture defines my vibe, sneakerhead with a hobby blog called “sneaks attack” 👟 📸 🎥📍LAX 💻 To book a podcast strategy call with me go to 📬 DMs Open 👇
