Sreekanth Kalipatnapu
The Creation of whatever this is. Movies | Books | Art Art is something that feeds me; literally and the other wise. IDK what’s happening there but everything in this world is impermanent, all our sorrows, pain, happiness,moments and eventually we die and people only remember how we made them feel and I hope you’re doing your best and please make sure to be kind. Therapists says that a person is worthy just because s/he exists. But this is too difficult to accept, probably because it’s too simple an idea. We create different ways to derive worth. Academics, job, money, caste and so on,are all different ways one deems oneself as worthy. We do different things to retain our sense of worth, by doing tasks that feed into others expectations and that’s the root cause of many problems that makes your life a hell non peaceful & unhappy and all we need to do, is truly believe we are worthy, just because we exist. Work hard and achieve everything you’ve had ever wished for and never let anyone hurt you or make you feel any less. Have a good day and maybe just like the Doctor & Jack says, “ There’s no lemon so sour that you can’t make something resembling lemonade”.