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Adonai Bahran




The history of Eritrea is grounded on the collective sacrifice of our finest generation whereby the nine ethnic groups united to create an independent Eritrea in the face of silence from the international community. Through blood, sweat, and tears independence was attained on the 24th of May, 1991 after having faced the colonization of Ottomans, Egypt, Italy, British, and Ethiopia. Independence is not only in theory but also in practice by charting your own economic and political policy without depending on foreign countries who are looking to exploit and pursue their neocolonial ambitions. Social Justice is the cornerstone of development whereby each citizen has access to public services (education, healthcare, electricity/access to clean water etc.). The priority of a government is to lift the people out of poverty instead of reinforcing social division because of class. I believe in nationalism, social justice, collective regional development and Pan-Africanism. I live to serve the land of courageous martyrs (🇪🇷), the horn of Africa and our continent. Africa can only move forward through solidarity against the western countries that have infiltrated our continent for private gain. Solidarity based on non-aggression and mutual respect for sovereignty. Down imperialism, monopoly capitalism and international capitalism journalism.