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Eric Brown




Food, Marketing, Technology, and Business Innovator Chef/Owner of Third Space Kitchen in Groton Ma! Looking for chefs and hospitality professionals interested in teaching in person and virtual classes. 🤙🏽 You’ve got a story. I help you tell it. I help restaurants and food business owners make more money while working less. Go To: Open for 🤝 mutually beneficial collaborations, 🎙️ interviews and ✳️ room co-moderation. I host rooms on: ✳️Food, Marketing, Branding, Technology, Product Strategy & Product Development 🤓 About Me: Married to my best friend. Raising 4 amazing kids. 📍 Harvard, MA. 🎓Babson College ΘΧ 👨🏽‍🍳Cambridge School of Culinary Arts 🇺🇸🇭🇳 Ran over 1,000 miles in 2020. 🗣️ Did I provide value? Let’s connect and work together: 👋🏽 DM me to connect. 📧 Email Me: [email protected] 📆 Book a meeting at or 💬 Send me a DM and let’s keep the conversation going!