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Emily Warner




Known as the Singing Marketer | Girl Boss & Proud Of It 😉 👠 | Digital Marketing Expert 📈 | Opera Singer 🎤 | Travel Lover ✈️ | Dog Mom 🐶 As the Owner & CEO of Royal Marketing International my mission is to help brands discover the power and prestige of boutique marketing services. By stepping away from the cookie cutter graphics. Royal Marketing Int creates content, marketing strategies, websites, and more unique to each client. Helping your brands voice royally stand out in all the clutter. For a free marketing consultation or to learn more about Royal Marketing Int services 💌 me at [email protected] When I'm not studying marketing or working on my business I am singing! 🎤 I cover classic opera arias and I rearrange trending pop songs into arias. To listen follow me on: Insta @poperaqueen Youtube @poperaqueen Tik Tok @poperaqueen Proud 🐩 mom of two pups one a 6 year old poodle, schnauzer, terrier mix and a 3 month old Goldendooodle! Follow these cute on Intsa: @royalpuppysiblings If you want to talk about marketing, opera music, or even dogs I'm you're gal! 😜