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Else Johnson




🌟 Mindset Coach - Mental Fitness Expert🌟 💥Wether you think you can, or you think you can’t - you’re right” Henry Ford💥 🌟My mission is to help you believe YOU CAN and achieve more than you ever thought possible🌟 🔥I help high achieving, entrepreneurs in tech and design shift subconscious self-sabotage and achieve the impossible🔥 🗓Want to see what’s possible for you - book a call and let’s get started! 📞✔️ CO-host on @happyneighborhoodproject club Wednesday 10 AM on zoom register at What people are saying: 🏅“Else is an entrepreneur’s coach; she understands us because she is one of us. She has an uncanny ability to distill any issue to its essence and get to the root of a behavior or belief” Erin Ruby 🌟 ...I noticed results in my business after our first informational call (before it was even officially coaching!)…🌟 Caitlyn Adams 👋FB Else Johnson Coaching @morethanjustfine