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Eliot Goodwin




Family, outdoors, banjo. American Outdoor School founder. Family run business. Creating the worlds most judgment-free outdoor community by connecting the nature curios with the nature knowledgeable. Husband. Dad of two girls. Brother to a sister with Down Syndrome. I thrive on continuous self improvement and consider myself a work in progress. "In the end we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we are taught." (Baba Dioum, 1968.) I am passionate about helping outdoor instructors and educators. 🏕They are the gateway to creating the stewards of our environment. I am guided by the following principles: Respect for nature and each other. Judgement-free. I applaud everyone - from the novice to the veteran - for showing up, staying curious, and engaging with the world around them. Challenge and support. Moving beyond our comfort zone - with appropriate support - provides ample opportunities for growth. Patience. All good things take time. Compassion is our most valuable tool for understanding the world. I strive to lead with the heart.