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Gayle Dixon




✍🏽Entrepreneur 🧜🏾‍♀️Sea Moss Boss 👩🏽‍⚕️Certified Life Coach 🫐Health & Wellness Coach 🛐 Ordained Elder and Intercessor 👩🏽‍💼Owner/CEO Gayle's Sea Moss Gel LLC ✍🏽Anthology Co Author "Love Of A Caregiver" ✍🏽 📗Author In Progress my first best seller. It will be out in 2023 👩🏽‍🏫 Elementary Teacher School 2nd thru High School Grades 🛣 Maryland Resident 🎓Bachelor of Arts in Education 🎓🎓MA In Education 👩🏽 of 3 👵🏽 of 5 🚶🏾‍♀️ with my Savior even the more in our relationship. 🙏🏽 Creator and Moderator for "Daughters Of Rahab"Prayerline, (605) 562-8400 access code 4431281#, Every Saturday 10am, we are arm holders and ladder holders for daughters and sisters in Christ. We encourage and motivate one another In the natural and as well spiritual. 🙏🏽Prayer Warrior 🙏🏽Intercessor by right. 👑 Kingdompreneur 📈Large Business Owner 👩🏽‍🔬Science Teacher in the school system 💯Assigned to pray and stay in posture with the mantle that is on my life. *************************************** 💰$GayleDixon- CashApp 💰Zelle-3474517658 💰Forex Crypto Currency 💨A strong wind to be reckoned with. 💫An advocator of Miracles Signs andddd Wonders 🙏🏽-Prayer Warrior and Demon Slayer... 👣-Walking by Faith Follow me on IG⬇️ Instagram- gaylee1022 Instagram Facebook Page- Gayle's Sea Moss Gayle's Sea Moss Gel
