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Erika Knierim




Classical Music | Creative Producer | Art and Music Advocate | Attorney | Finance Professional πŸ“ Chicago *Co-Founder: 21st Century Creatives Club* Multi-cultural, multi-disciplinary Creative Cooperative with a mission to bring classical music and opera into the 21st Century through solution driven experimentation, radical collaboration and action. (Look for the 21CC club icon) ✳️ Host of *21st Century Opera & Classical Music* Sundays @ 11am CST / 5pm CET Got questions? Check out our website! Check out our Spotify collaborative playlist: Creator/Producer of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra event series Soundpost, exploring the future of sound, music, and audio technology, collaborating with an international community of music industry innovators and artists. πŸŽΌπŸ’―πŸŽ»