Ebony Gill
GOD•MOMMY•ONLINE APPAREL STORE (CLOTHING BRAND) 🌷 The Ebene’ Rose Collection🌷 Slogan “ Blossomed From Concrete” “Blossom from Concrete” ~the art of turning Pain into Purpose. 🔥I help women, “Blossom from Concrete” from pain to purpose. I share my story, in efforts to help women identify pain points, and use as a catalyst to produce purpose. 🔥 ❤️📌INTEREST •Travel •Motivate •Connect •Marketing •Finance 🖇📌CH GOALS •Learn •Network •Collab •Share 🎓📌EDUCATION •UofL Alum ❤️📌PASSION •Writing •Poetry •YouTuber (Newbie) •Music Lover Cash App $everythingBaylei