Certified Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counselor My mission in life is to lift others through the diagnosis and treatment of addiction and mental illness. *Resiliency and Recovery - One individual, One family, and One community at a time* State Credentials and Licensure (Oregon): Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselor (CADC) Qualified Mental Health Associate (QMHA) Registered under the National Provider Identifier Database B.A. in Sociology🖤 My WHY I’ve witnessed first-hand the pain of some of my closest family members struggling with addiction and mental health challenges. My mother is the inspiration behind my passion to help families. Erick10k.com has all my direct contacts 🎙🎙Analyze*This*Topic (Podcast) Addressing issues that affect POC feat. “Meet The Allens” & “thErApy” Available on All Streaming Platforms (Subscribe*Like*Share) 🏠♣ Clubhouse Rooms 🏠♣ Analyzethistopic Bridging The Gap Loyalty & Friends P.U.S.H [#analyzethis] [#loyaltyandfriends] Hit me up on OWWLL 😀😀 https://owwllprofile.page.link/VKboQtB3fWK1KQ6HA