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Donavan Westbrook




NICU Survivor | Non-Profit Founder of MTM Living Hope My Story 📖 ⌛️September 1999.... * I was born prematurely weighing 2lbs 9oz * 2 months spent in neonatal intensive care unit * Survived two serious Bacterial infections * Conquered a heart complication * I miraculously ripped out my breathing tube and began breathing on my own two days before my scheduled tracheostomy surgery ⌛️February 2004..... * Doctors discovered that my airway was underdeveloped and the size of a ball point pen 🖊 * I had my airway fully rebuilt and reconstructed to prevent long term breathing complications ⌛️January 2020 ... The pandemic hit and I knew I had to make a difference because .. - NICU care cost $3,000/ day - Preterm birth is the leading cause of death for infants in the United States ⌛️March 2020... I started my nonprofit MTM LIVING HOPE 📍Our mission : Provide Hope , Inspiration , and Education for NICU units and families of premature infants 💥Our impact : - $2,490 donated to 16 NICU families to help them during their journey - Now working directly with HCA healthcare - Collaboration with top baby companies such as 4moms, Mushie, Tubby Todd, and Perfectly Preemie RIGHT NOW ❗️ I’m continuing the mission to disrupt the nonprofit industry by HELPING OTHER PREEMIES EVERYWHERE. 👇🏽Let’s connect and change the world Personal Instagram: @donavan_westbrook