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Dusty Sutherland




-Global Sales Director @ Cognition - Your Amazon Marketing Partner 🙏Do Good Recklessly🚗CARGUY👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Dad of 6🏇🏿Kentucky Colonel⚾️Cincinnati Sports Fanatic 🥃Bourbon Fan⚓️Navy Veteran🪃Personal Branding🔥Champion of CX 🥇Let’s improve Dealership Culture🗽Improve our community 16 time Dad Joke Champion 🎭Impressionist- Macho Man, Kermit the Frog, Shaggy and more 🤼I’ve met Ric Flair 🛸I’ve seen a UFO 👣I think I saw BigFoot once -Over a decade of Automotive experience -10 Year Combat Veteran of the US Navy. Served as a Hospital Corpsman both at Sea and on Land with Marine Infantry. Multiple tours in Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq. -Passionate about making the dealership experience fun and easy “Climate is what you expect, weather is what you get.” “If you make it easy for the customer to make a decision, it’s easy for the customer to make a decision.” “Luck is statistics, taken personally” “I don’t care about being right, I care about being a success.” “Stay front of mind, no level of interest is still a level of interest.” Call me so we can chat! (502) 525-7462