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Dr.Tiffany Jordan




Entrepreneur, Apostolic Visionary Leader, Prophetic Advisor, and Creator of Just Pray™️Global, a prayer movement encouraging people to make prayer a priority to manifest heaven on earth. 🌏 2 Chronicles 7:14 🔑🔑🔑Empowering Kingdom leaders to confidently and boldly walk in their God-given assignments in the marketplace. As the CEO of Tiffany K. Jordan LLC, Dr. Tiffany has catapulted business leaders and organizations across the globe into greater positions of influence, productivity, and profitability by teaching them how to align with purpose and hear the voice of God. 💥Kompass University: an online school of discipleship, coaching and mentorship. Hundreds of leaders and entrepreneurs have completed her signature programs, Life Without Limits Mentorship and Spiritual Wholeness Training, created to equip purpose-driven individuals for new realms of success. 💥Tiffany Jordan Ministries (TJM): a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to the global ministries of outreach, empowerment, training, and leadership development. 📚Books (available on Amazon): 📗21 Days of Fasting & Prayer for Spiritual Breakthrough 📕Life Without Limits: 52 Biblical Principles to Reach Your Prophetic Destiny 📘Just Pray: Activating God’s Original Technology to Transform Your World 💥The Trailblazers’ Retreat™️, a multi-day, spiritual getaway purposed to shift leaders into forward momentum and launch them into their Kingdom mandates. For more information and to register for 2023 visit Connect with me: [email protected] 💰$Drtiffanykjordan