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🖤 I am a Medical Doctor who specializes in treating conditions affecting The Mind As seen on recurring segment on ABC News “Mental Health Mondays” 🏅🏆🏅Proud to announce my new book “Killing Burnout: Mastering the Art of Resilience” Available on Amazon, Kindle and IBooks ‼️🔥🔥🧠Check out our Mindset Enhancing Gear at DM Coaching to book a session on Killing 🔥Burnout in your life ✳️ Founder of The Master Mind Institute Club ✳️Advisory Board Member of the Our Mindset Foundation founded by Angel Investor Manny Fernandez. Our Mindset Club is a steady stream of life changing - mindset enhancing positivity. ✳️Founder High Performance Women Club - safe space for High Performance Women and the Men that ❤️ supporting them! My goal is to help 1,000 people kill 🔥Burnout and embrace life Mastery. So what are my qualifications to guide you on this life optimizing journey? 🧠Doc the Scholar: I am a UCONN Med trained Physician, Loma Linda University trained Psychiatrist, and a UCLA trained Addiction Psychiatrist.  For the better part of a decade I was the Medical Director of the Chemical Dependency Unit at Loma Linda University - Behavioral Medicine Center. For the past 6 years I have been the Section Chief of Psychiatric Services at a Community Hospital here in Southern California.   🎖Achieved Board Certification in in Adolescent and Adult Psychiatry April 19, 2013 🎖Achieved Board Certification in Addiction Psychiatry in October 17, 2016 Licensed MD in CA 🏆2011 LLUMC Department of Psychiatry Teaching Faculty of the Year Award 🏆2006 LLUMC Department of Psychiatry Spiritual Integration Award ❤️‍🩹Doc the Human: Christian Husband to my lovely Queen of 24 years Father of a wonderful and now launching young lady Native of Bedford Stuyvesant (i.e. Do or Die Bed Stuy) in Brooklyn New York Former Resident of Waterbury CT Resident of Southern California 🇺🇸🇵🇦 At all times: Master Your Mind - Master your Life!
