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Introverted disruptor helping Black women physicians pivot into their purpose and live with more peace & profit for freedom, impact, wealth & legacy. Empowerment Coach | Business strategist | Work-Life Integration Mentor WHAT I LOVE TO TALK ABOUT: • How Black women in medicine can uncover their purpose as a pathway to preventing burnout • How Black women can shift from normalizing strong Black woman syndrome and avoid the negative physica & mental health impacts • How Black women professionals can transition from a 9 to 5 to profitable businesses doing what they love. MY STORY • NY born & raised Nigerian-American. Started med school at 18. Trained at NYU, Harvard, Boston University. • Obsessed with eliminating health inequities & worked in nine countries as a pediatrician. • Former professor, public health researcher and child health advocate but also a burnout survivor. I overcame suddenly losing the ability to walk after a multiple sclerosis diagnosis in 2019. • I not only completed 4 months of physical rehab to relearn how to walk but a personal rehab to relearn how to live. • The transformation meant leaving academia and leaning into my zone of genius to build 2 startups to multi-six figure business in 12 months (as a mom of 2 with a FT job). • Now, I'm a FT entrepreneur & free Black woman committed to teaching more of us to pivot into our purpose, profit and find peace. WHAT I'VE BUILT: • Melanin & Medicine, our company specializes in integrated lifestyle, business & mindset coaching, courses and community to help Black women physicians stop settling, pivot into their purpose and achieve personal and professional fulfillment. I help these women prevent burnout, redefine their careers and/or create new purpose-led businesses and lead more fulfilled lives. • Strong Children Wellness, an innovative practice model that builds socially- responsive, primary care into community based organizations to serve marginalized families FEATURED IN Essence, Newsweek, NPR, Reuters, SXSW, People, NBC News & more. MY ZONE OF GENIUS • Business strategy for service-based physician entrepreneurs • Mentorship in strategic leadership, career development & building innovative programs WHO I WORK WITH • Black woman physicians who feel stuck but know they're meant for more but need skills, systems, strategy & support. • Check our IG bio for our courses, personal/professional development membership or our business mastermind. LET'S CONNECT DM me on Instagram.