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Family medicine doctor 🇦🇺 Melbourne Australia 🇦🇺 Australian from Sudanese 🇸🇩 origins. ⚛️ I don't care about your ideological background as long as you treat people with humanity ☮️ طبيب أسرة ملبورن أستراليا 🇦🇺 أسترالي من أصول سودانية🇸🇩 ☮️لا أهتم بخلفيتك العقائدية طالما تتعامل معي بإنسانية⚛️ إن العقل يهدي من يشاء If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of a divine reward... then that person is a piece of SH*T Be RUTHLESS to systems but KIND to individuals. If the devil ever existed and he had a plan… RELIGION will be the plan Have stories to tell..not things to show. If I am to be insulted, I must value your opinion first. THEY BURIED US BUT THEY DIDN’T KNOW WE ARE SEEDS. My TikTok: 0drmak0 My facebook: X ( twitter ): @DRMAKAUS