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DrLue Scott




DrLue Scott Transformational Strategist 📚📖Master Coach of the Prospering Power of Universal /SpiritualLaws Pastor , Lecturer Founder of The Power of Now Conference Conference Speaker BS Accounting MPA Public Administration D.R.S Religious Studies A special invitation to all! Expand your Mind - VISUALIZE Are you ready to go from Mediocre to Magnificent with the implementation of Spiritual and Universal Laws? JOIN ME NOW! I have been teaching Spiritual and Universal Laws for decades . Universal Laws fill you to live a purpose filled life?. 🔑It allows you to have the keys🗝 of awakening Spiritual/Universal Laws Awakens you from all limitation Join me It is not what you ask for but how you prepare for it’s reception that counts. How do you get what you want!! Coaching Session Complementary attractive offer. 15 minutes exploratory call. Focus on your advancement. Breakthrough from old habits and attain sustainability of new inner forces that add What is called plus-values to your life. Email - [email protected] Order Now This Life Changing Book📚I AM THAT Prayers and Affirmations for Successfully Living Available - Amazon Featured in Essence Magazine Heart and Soul Just trust. GOD HAS YOU IN THE PALM OF HIS HANDS VHF