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Maryam مريم




﷽ 👩🏻‍🏫 I empower educators to live their best lives through integration of technology, leveraging promising practices, and developing research studies that may have a positive impact on our teaching profession. 🎓 ‎ السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته 👩🏻‍🎓 Doctorate in Educational Leadership 🎓 Masters of Library and Information Sciences 👩🏻‍🎓 Masters of Elementary Education 🎓 Masters of Instructional Technology 👩🏻‍🎓 Bachelors of Informational Technology *Expertise in Technology Integration in Education* 🎖 Top Entrepreneurs of 2021 & Beyond 📰 Featured on NBC, CBS, & 🦊 🔗 Connections are so important 🌐 Links Https:// 🔎 Founder & CEO of Education Under Construction Where we recognize education is always evolving and as educators we need to Design our Discipline | Cultivate our Artistry Creator of: 🔥How to Craft Your Dissertation in T.I.M.E 🖥 Do you have FOMO? DM me TIME to access the replays. 🔥Teaching with Technology E.A.S.Y. Plan 🔥Technology Integration Framework 💻 New Masterclass starting soon DM me “Tech” on Instagram to get on the list! 😏 Unapologetically a Muslimah 🤦🏻‍♀️ I speak my mind more than I should ⛔️ Pet peeve is people interrupting or speaking over me 🕌 I shut down all forms of bigotry on CH, especially islamophobia & oppression towards woman. 🧕🏼 🗣 Looking for me on clubhouse? 🔎 Here's where you can find me: Hide and go seek! Fun Facts: Muslimah ☪️ Edupreneur 🍏 Mother of 3 🌬 Grandma of 2 👶 Minority Woman🧕🏼 Proud American 🇺🇸 Professional Student👩🏻‍🎓 🖇 LinkedIn: @euc2experience 57219