Jeff Cheng
“It’s my duty”💪❤️🌹勿忘六四! 🇺🇸🇺🇦 Stand w Ukraine!// Save the chained Chinese woman!支持乌克兰!// 救出徐州铁链女! My article introducing civil society in the US: “借鉴美国经验,发展公民组织,建设公民社会” 89六四【历史的伤口】【后死诸君多努力】【人间遍种自由花】 ://【中文自我简介在后】 ——————————————— 【Heterodox Academy member】ENTJ-T. In higher ed - math/stat/computing applications in organizations (w interest in e-government and citizen participation). STEM training,with strong interests in social and humanities fields (especially history and psychology). // Love nature, music, museums. Somewhat libertarian; believer of CIVIL SOCIETY. Understand human nature (kindness and the opposite; unlimited potential but also limitation imposed by environment and by humans themselves). Believe that united citizens with conscientiousness and curiosity can greatly advance the human society. // Wish US returns to normality soon; wish China gets out from anomaly soon; wish groups of people in the world can communicate equally and sincerely. 【母语闽南】ENTJ。学术自由团体Heterodox Academy会员。从事高等教育 –数学/统计/计算机在组织系统中的应用(关注电子政府和数字时代的公民参与)。科学与工程训练;对于人文社科很有兴趣。爱自然、音乐、博物馆。一定程度的自由至上者;笃信公民社会。理解人性(善、恶;成长潜力但又有环境局限和自我设限)。相信联合起来的、有常识有良知愿学习的民众,能够推动社会的演进。 愿美国恢复正常,愿中国摆脱不正常,愿世界不同的人群可以平等而诚恳地沟通。