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Dr. Jaquel




🌿Licensed Naturopathic Physician 💰Business consultant for Docs 🥇 Author 📝 Forbes Contributor 🎤 Keynote Speaker 👩🏽‍⚕️ Telemedicine, Brick and Mortar, Concierge Services 🏬 E-Commerce store: Presence in room ❌ = endorsement 📜Medical Mogul and Medical Mogul of the Year, Class of 2020, aka “the boss” @drdraiobgyn 🧩 Connect with me for : Autoimmune, Lyme, Integrative Psychiatry, Environmental Medicine, Business Coaching for Integrative Docs 👋🏽 2 reasons here: 1️⃣ Educating on natural medicine 2️⃣ Coaching integrative medical providers to build 💪🏽and scale 📈 their 6 & multi-6 figure 💰businesses. 💥 More deets: 🏛 Ivy League 👩🏽‍🎓 graduate 🏃‍♀️ Former D-1 track athlete 🌿Expert in naturopathic/ integrative/ functional medicine 👩🏽‍🎓 MBA in Healthcare 📋 Over a decade of experience as a healthcare executive and in state & nat’l policy leadership 📄 ICF Certified success coach 💰 7-figure business owner ✳️ Disclaimer: I am providing education ONLY here, I am NOT your naturopathic physician; CH does not constitute a doctor/patient relationship. 📍 CT but Jersey girl at ❤️