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Dr Francois




👩‍🍳👩‍🏫👩‍🌾👩‍⚕️🧑‍🎓🧑‍🔬🕵🧛‍♀️🧞‍♀️🧟‍♀️💆‍♀️🐸🌻⚘ Teacher, Guide, Leader, Student, Quantum Explorer, Shaman, Doctor, Sex Educator, Bodyworker, Chef, Hynotherapist, Heyoka, Soul Whisperer, Soul Retriever, Cannabis-Sacred Plants Researcher/Advocate/Educator/Therapist, Retreat/Soul Journey Provider ECS personal research: Host of Naturopathic Life and Living podcast, Plant medicines 🍄🥗🌱 Breathwork Meditation Source 😇 Queer Gender Fluid Transformation 🥸 Altered Head Spaces 🐊 Overcoming Limitations 🦋 Trauma Specialist Mother 🥰 Father 💙 Transmutation Tough Love 💯 Spirituality Dominant Timelessness Accountability 🧐 Responsibility 🐉🦚 Ascension Honor 🙏🏽 Reverence Poly 💞 Master Authenticity Death and Dying ☠💀 Demons 😈 Shadows 👥 Taboo 🙈🙉🙊 Kink 🤏💋 Sex 🤠 Being Present 👀 BDSM 👏🏽 Healing childhood wounding 😰 Twin Flame Reconciliation The Sacred ⏳ Trans non-conformist Retreats 🛶🚀 Respect Love 💘 Naturopathic Medical Doctor: assisting in the progression of the evolution of the soul. Where are you stuck? Mind, Body, Heart, Soul? Let me help you level up- Contributor/Author with add /digital/ & the dates below to the above link for articles on: Cannabis: 2019-09 Sex & Food: 2020-01 Breaking Bonds: 2020-03 (also interviewed on Cannabis) Energetic Sex: 2020-07 (also interview on lockdown sex) RBDSM: 2020-10 Intimacy is Vulnerability: 2021-01 Polyamory: 2021-04 Therapeutic Kink: 2021-07 Taking it Slow: 2021-10 Contributor for Xbix, an adult B2B monthly publication, @