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Artem Doudko




Артём Дудко #TheArtOfManagingRisk A trusted advisor with a nomadic and international mindset. Born in Russia, childhood between Russia and Australia. Now a lawyer (solicitor advocate) in London, working with HNW individuals, businesses and countries on managing risk and resolving complex international business disputes by way of arbitration/litigation/mediation. Partner at Osborne Clarke. Head of Russia & CIS Disputes. FCIArb - Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. Board Member of the Russian Arbitration Association (RAA). Board Member of the Ukrainian Arbitration Association (UAA). Responsible for activities of the Anglo-Russian Law Association (ARLA). Member of the ICC Russia Commission on Arbitration. Committee Member of the Russia CIS Arbitration Network (RCAN). Member of the organising committee of the London International Disputes Week (LIDW), co-chair of LIDW2021 (10-15 May 2021). Member of the Membership Committee of the Silicon Valley Arbitration & Mediation Centre (SVAMC). Founding Member of Русскоязычные Юристы в Международном Коммерческом Арбитраже (РЮМКА). Committee Member of the East European Dispute Resolution Forum (EEDRF). #TheArtOfManagingRisk Free time: spend it with friends, enjoying great food, drinks, art and culture. Always up for discovering new or well hidden places.