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James Augeri




πŸ˜‰ your ad here πŸ‘‡ click for full bio add β˜•οΈ, get code πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» add 🍱, build biz πŸ’Έ add πŸ₯‚, get bars 🎀 πŸ‘€ sometimes, it takes eight miles πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ you can be any object; what are you? πŸš€ founder, connecting people with video at πŸŽ‰ join The Bookmark Club, a lively spot for past, present, & future memories; 3rd in clubs below β€” with @TheBlackGhost - πŸ“š Thursday @ 1ET, live reading The Great Gatsby with @CourtneyCourier - πŸŽ™ First Friday @ 3ET, Startup Founders happy hour & interview with @Maryna_B - πŸ₯‚ Saturday @ 9ET, open pub, a fresh theme each week with @JohanCroy91 πŸ— career highlights * startup founder x 3 * Air Force veteran x 2 * PhD, Comp Sci + AI + ML * TechStars, TEDx, startup mentor * let’s chat cities, mobility, & climate 🎬 life highlights * in NYC ultramarathon prep * retired power lifter & back flipper * juggles & walkabouts when stuck * champion speller * reads a lot #amit #accd 🟠 #prelon 11BE