Dorothy Conner
I am Saved by grace through faith. I am a # 1 Best selling author on Amazon, Property Tax Lien an Investors guide. 💕Club Owner of Needed Conversations💕 They call me , The Oprah Winfrey of The Clubhouse. Moderator/Business Owner/ Born again believer / Mother of 14, 4 Sons and 10 Daughters. 💵Tax Lien Investor ✅$$Tax lien certificate- ✅Tax Sales- ✅Open lien tax sales💰Owner of Can Two Walk Together Luxury Picnics -🧺🧺 Owner of We Care For You Nursing Agency. For sick Children / Adults🧸 Facebook- We Care For You Nursing Agency. MTV True life/ Oprah And More. With God all things are possible -Cash app $DorothyConner 🧡🧡 ✅✅ 🧡🧡Host and Moderator of Needed Conversations Globally Monday and Wednesday in the Clubhouse @ 5:00 pm central standard time. 💰💰💰CoHost of Tax Lien Tuesdays every Tuesday @6:00 pm here in the Clubhouse 💰💰💰All are welcome across the globe😍😍🧡🧡. Also available for podcast interviews 🗣🗣