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Doris Williams




THE WAY OUT IS UP! I am who I am….Because of Christ Jesus I am all about transformation. Hearing the word & applying the word brings that true change. No application equals no change. Love Romans 12: 1-2 God sent his unconditional love to this world in the person of his SON Jesus the Christ. John 3:16 Jesus’ mission was to bring Reconciliation, deliverance (Salvation) to put us right with God! For all have sinned and fallen short of God’s marvelous Glory. Jesus accomplished his mission through his death, burial, and resurrection from the grave. He is alive right now, sitting on the right hand of his Father. The Gift of eternal life is offered to everyone, but for those who believe in the finished work of Jesus… WILL be saved, rescued, and delivered from the punishment of sin, which we all deserved. It’s all about Jesus the Christ, the SON of the living God. Give him Glory🙏
