Ari Berger
🖤 SongsYouLike Management 🏠Founder of The A&R Room Former A&R at 12Tone Music | Product Management at 12Tone Music Former D2D Mgmt for Anderson .Paak, Mereba, Alice Smith, Lolita Files, Demetrius Shipp Jr., Blimes and Gab & More Former Promoter Hiero Day | Super City | StonesThrow Festival Morris Hayes gave me my own drop 🙃 🦄AriCorn🦄 ©️🐺WOLFF🐺 The Bay raised me, LA pays me Do NOT pay people on Clubhouse to listen to your music Please DO NOT send me your music unless EXPLICITLY asked *Views are my own and not reflective of my employer or artists *My presence in a room is not an endorsement of the subject matter or reflective of my views 54308