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🧞‍♂️ Servant. 🏠 Father. Brother. Son. 🪞 Know Thyself. 🧮 #235 / This Place 🖥️ I like Domain Names ⛰ Let them never be able to say, “He doesn’t know how good he has it.” 💯 Loves numbers 📚 Super Hero Comic Book Theories*** ⚾️ Modest Living Practices 🙏 Self Humility 👨🏻‍🦯 Finding The Underlying Fundamentals. 🥷🏿 The Journey Never Ends 🧲 I Can Feel It Coming In The Air At Night. 🏃‍♂️ What matters is the effect we have on this place. I’m interested in what the possibilities are. 🧩 Likes To Put Pieces Together; And Does. ⛰ The Road Less Taken; It’s made all the difference! 🧠 Enjoys discussing topics that bring forth value and worth through utility or knowledge and or otherwise. ⏰ Most of my messages in chat will self-destruct after 30 seconds. 🥾 The First Step Is Always The Hardest. Tune Yourself. Give It Reason & Purpose. (This place that we are in has a funny way of making things happen for those with a vision.) Have a vision. ☕️ I enjoy talking with others about this ‘place’ that we operate in, and how it’s operated. Currently my radar is set for pinging ‘command prompts’ 🐇 If I follow you, it’s not because I agree with everything you say or believe. When you follow me, I understand it to be the same. So stack Sats & Stay cool. ☀️ Have a wonderful morning! And if I don’t see you later, good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight ! ~ sole owner to some of the greatest domain names on Earth and accepting offers for.. 💥 / - The Exact Match Brandable 💥 - Alohomora 💥 - Every artist will have their place! 💥 🥇 #1 Call to Action domain for NFT creation ! 💥 ~ Ask me why this is the #1 crypto loan brand in the world. 💥 ~ whoop whoop!! 💥 ~ Exact Match Brandable to an unregulated $Billion industry. 💥 - Accepting Offers 💥 - Accepting Offers 💥 - I love this domain …. Coming soon. - Success is looking for a good place to stay. Clean out the house and prepare for your guest. - I’m a gamer. If you play Rust; add me. My player id is ( SoGoodUHav2Cheat ). Send a message that says “clubhouse”. - I don’t answer questions without my attorney present.
