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David Lau




Vice President & Chairman of Ready-to- Eat, Sauce and Food Ingredient, Soy Bean and Plant Based Food Group. Thai Food Processors' Association Vice Chairman of Processed Food and Future Food Thai Chamber of Commerce Committee (PFC) Coach for SME Judge for OTOP Select Department International Trade Promotion Member of RCEP Industry Cooperation Committee Vice Chairman of Federation of Thai Industries Food Club Honorary Chairman of Tong Cheng Yuen Buddhist Association His Majesty's Sponsored Charities Chinese Medical Donation Clinic Honorary Chairman of Baat Woh Cantonese Opera Association Honorary Chairman of Ji Gong International Cultural Association Honorary Chairman of Tung Cheng Yuen Buddhist Association Certificate Of Appreciate in the grateful recognition from UNHCR The UN Refugee Agency Greatest Appreciation for Support To Refugees and Organisation Of The "ART AUCTION FOR REFUGEES" Project From UNHCR The UN Refugee Agency President of Do Food Co., Ltd. President of Precise Solution Center President of All Thai Fruits Co., Ltd. President of Diet Doctor (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. President of Siam Paragon Thai Scala Shark Fin Restaurant 皇上陛下御賜助慈善機構 中華贈醫所名譽理事長 泰國道德善堂 副董事長 泰國劉氏宗親會慈善機構 副理事長 泰國蓬萊聯閣 副理事長 泰京蓬萊五逍閣 署理理事長 泰國蓬萊十四閣 名譽理事長 泰國龍岡宗親會 副理事長 泰國潮州會館 文化參贊 泰国八和會館名譽主席 國際濟公文化協會名譽主席 東井圓佛會名譽主席 泰華進出口商會 常務理事 Email: [email protected] Mobile: 0818248288 FB: CHI WAI DAVID LAU Line: thaiscala