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Parameters for Determining Relationship Progress/Marital Prerequisites So many of us chase milestones in relationships without effectively assessing the true dynamics of the situation we’re in and how well we truly know and understand our significant other. I developed these parameters to assist in evaluating the progress of your relationship based on psychologically driven attributes. The goal should be for both parties to be honest and vulnerable. At the very least, it will provide you the opportunity to confront the reality of where you and your partner are respectively. If you are the type to feel like relationships that don’t work out are “a waste of time”, I would implore you to begin paying attention to the evolution of these characteristics on DAY 1! Here are the 1st SEVEN. Book coming soon… #1 - Are we both able to analyze our feelings and be confident in them? #2 - Are we both able to effectively communicate these feelings to one another? #3 - Are we both able to trust that our words and actions align and hold one another accountable in an effective way?  #4 - Can we openly express our deepest feelings of any kind without the impulse to suppress our hurt and anger? #5 - Are we able to initiate any type of conversation with one another about our needs, desires, pain points, thoughts or anything else without fear of one another’s reaction or judgement? #6 - Are we both able to consistently understand and convey that disagreements and conflicts are opportunities to understand one another’s perspective better as opposed to a catalyst to end the relationship or withdraw our feelings for one another? #7 - Are we both able to effectively offer patience, grace, and forgiveness towards one another and towards ourselves for inevitably conflict (past, present, and future)? ⓒ 2020-2022 Copyright Alliance =============================== #Sometimes I Like To Play Devil’s Advocate and be a Contrarian because We Can Never Have TOo Much Perspective, So Don’t Assume Anything I Say Is Professional Advice 📍ATL 🇳🇬🇺🇸