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Deep Raw




As I saunter by this place called someortheother-house It strums in - The wonder Of listening outward. And some inner voices Trail, inhale, exhale. ©️ ________________________ Mesmerized by things like discovering 'art' in poetry/words and 'poetry' in art etc. Though there can be more to that, or less. Then again, I find myself earnestly veering away from labels, tags, badges, ढांचे, खाके वगैरह. Out-of-the-box thinking allures much. Most of all, I like to believe I make --- Some art (interdisciplinary). Some poetry/writing(undisciplined). Some craft. Some design. Some grub shrub. Some seemingly naive observations. And playing, mixing the above कारनामे oftentimes, to gladly discover the unknown/s, epiphany, etc. All these are happening after kinda recovering from some mainstream architecture. Jokes apart, maybe I'm here on CH for connecting, sharing, learning, unlearning, etc. Or, nothing?