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Emmanuel Lucky




I’m a web developer. I spend my whole day, practically every day, experimenting with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript; dabbling with nodeJS and ReactJS, currently learning DevOps engineering, golang, and inhaling a wide variety of potentially useless information through a few hundred RSS feeds. I build web apps that delight and inform. I do it well. I’m curious, and I enjoy work that challenges me to learn something new and stretch in a different direction. I do my best to stay on top of changes in the state of the art so that I can meet challenges with tools well suited to the job at hand. I care deeply about creating world-class, useful, and beautiful products that help people and make a difference. I can be as involved in your project as you need me to be; from the seed of the idea to sketches, creative direction, design, copywriting, system design, and even the front-end and API services.